Food and the problem of bloating

The feeling of bloating is equal to the feeling of discomfort. It seems to you that you are bigger, heavier, slower, your stomach is growing, you are more nervous and therefore more insecure.

Flatulence is a condition or possible sign of an organic disease, but it is not a disease in itself. It does not have to be related to food intake. It is mostly repeated from time to time. It has nothing to do with obesity.

Food and the problem of bloating

Cause of bloating

The causes can be in the way you eat (swallowing air while eating - aerophagia), gastritis or stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, problems with the pancreas or gallbladder (insufficient juice for digestion), problems with the small intestine (inflammation that interferes) digestion), inflammation of the colon.

It is indisputable that certain types of food that we eat in our daily diet, often cause bloating and tension in the stomach.

Sometimes we are aware that if we eat carbohydrates (bread, pasta ...) in combination with fats and sugars (meat, cakes ...) or even vegetables (beans, cauliflower, cabbage, lentils), we feel extremely sluggish, laziness and our stomach is bigger, we breathe harder, we are somehow grumpy.

Stress can also be the cause of a bloated stomach, because that is how some people react to the problem.


The problems can be different, but they most often manifest themselves in the form of two groups of symptoms. For some, the main symptom is pain or discomfort in the stomach, which can be accompanied by bloating, heartburn, nausea, belching, as well as a feeling of early satiety and heaviness in the stomach area.

The second group of people is mostly dominated by intestinal disorders and the stool is messy. It is usually more frequent for a while, sometimes rare, followed by imprisonment.

The problems are usually aggravated by drugs from the group of non-steroidal antirheumatic drugs (Brufen, diclofen ...).


It is necessary to first exclude from the diet foods that bother most people: fried foods, snacks, bakery food (especially puff pastry), carbonated juices. If this fails, then do allergological tests and tests for food intolerance. You can find various allergies: to the protein casein from milk, eggs, peanuts, strawberries, etc., and you can also find intolerance to milk sugar - lactose.

A detailed examination by an internist and, if necessary, a gastroenterologist is necessary in order to exclude organic diseases. When it is determined that they do not exist, with proper and regular diet, physical activity and medication, the problems can be significantly alleviated. Sometimes it's not easy, because you need to change your lifestyle.

Prevention and treatment

There are some rules that every person should follow during the diet, for both healthy and sick people.

We recommend five meals a day properly distributed which should be taken at equal intervals each day.

Eat at the same time, take three main meals and two snacks, chew (32 times each bite), reduce sugar intake (skip a cake, eat fruit), drink plenty of fluids, two to three liters of fluid during the day if you do not have high blood pressure (water, tea, natural juices ..)

Reduce your intake of coffee, soft drinks, quit smoking and be physically active.

If your job is related to the workplace in front of the computer, I suggest that you get up, walk and stretch every hour. Use light walks, be physically active, never relax your abdominal muscles, always keep your stomach tucked in and sit properly. Massage your stomach for at least three minutes every morning before getting out of bed, with light circular movements in a clockwise direction. Do the same when you go to bed. Avoid meals after 8 pm, ie never go to bed with a full stomach. Mint or chamomile tea sweetened with honey will help you fall asleep, relax and rest more easily.

If you have a constant problem, be sure to seek medical advice, especially if you feel pain with all this. Do not take medication without consulting a doctor, and especially not painkillers, because pain at such a time is the best friend and an indicator of what is bothering your body and what led to the onset of pain.

Be sure to visit the doctor, and once a year do a complete systematic examination with all the accompanying analyzes.

People who are dominated by constipation should eat more foods rich in fiber, including fruits, vegetables and soft foods (preferably wheat and rice) and drink more fluids. This avoids pharmaceutical laxatives, which can lead to "lazy gut" problems. Sometimes it is necessary to avoid bloating foods (beans, cauliflower, sprouts, peas and green beans) or even better to prepare them with the addition of garlic and ginger.

Drugs can be given prokinetics, which speed up the work of the intestines. Sometimes mild sedatives have a beneficial effect if stress is the cause of bloating.

My advice is to love yourself and your body in the first place, respect it because it will come back to you in some later years. Avoid alcohol, but not a glass of good wine with lunch. Listen to your body because you are the best advisor to yourself, you feel best what pleases or bothers your body. Look at life with a smile, be optimistic, avoid stress, laugh, rejoice in small things.

Mr sci med dr Igor Dimitrijev

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