Varicose Vein Treatment | Endovenous Ablation of Varicose Veins
Varicose Vein Treatment - Some abnormality in human body enlarges veins in the legs and condition called varicose veins and the procedure of treatment called Varicose vein treatment (also known as endovenous ablation of varicose veins). Varicose veins is commonly hereditary and are often occurring in up to 40% of women and 25% of men with the symptoms such as fatigue, pain and swelling of the lower limbs.
Usually, blood circulation begins from the heart to the legs via arteries and back to the heart through veins. Veins control one-way valves which allow blood to return from the legs against gravity. If the valves pour out because of leakage, blood gathers in leg veins which can become enlarged or varicose.
In short, condition is the result of troubles with valves within the veins of the leg. The valves fail to work properly and in consequence the veins circulate blood back into the leg instead of up to the heart that is normal procedure. Ultimately puffy, warped and unsightly veins (usually on the legs) that look lumpy and bluish emerge through the skin. If the poor circulation associated with varicose veins is not treated punctually then it can lead to skin problems, such as eczema and ulcers, aching pain, swelling, discoloration, inflammation in skin and they may bleed heavily if a prominent vein is wounded.
The problem of varicose veins does not tend to cure without treatment, and usually get worse with time. There are some other treatments procedures are applied for the cure whereas the most effective treatment for varicose veins is surgical removing procedure. Usually it is the most effective solution in the largest varicose veins which can be completely removed. Procedure may be used for cosmetic purposes as it gives a perfect and attractive appearance of normal human figure.
Varicose veins are diseased veins and would be injurious. Since more healthy veins are required in place of diseased veins, surgery is required to get ride of this problem. Surgery is performed under general anesthesia, so that patient will asleep during the procedure and will not feel any kind of pain. The procedure of surgery involves removing the affected superficial veins. There are different methods of operation, depending on which veins need treatment.
The most common way of surgery is called ligation and stripping, in which an incision is made in the groin over the top of the main varicose vein. This is then detached where it meets the deeper veins (femoral vein). A main varicose vein (greater saphenous vein) on the inner aspect of the leg is then stripped out. This vein has been earlier called the long saphenous vein but they are the same vein. Generally Surgeon makes several tiny cuts (about 5mm long) on leg to remove smaller veins. Dressing is placed on the cut in the groin, and leg is then bandaged up to the top of the thigh.
The surgical procedure usually takes 1-2 hours. Varicose vein removal surgery can be completed in one day. No overnight stay in the hospital is required however sometimes overnight stay is prescribed depending on condition of patient like if you are having operations on both legs. You are advised to avoid any physical labor for first 3 weeks. During the first two weeks, try to take short walks (at least three times a day) that will loosen your joints and muscles, and will help speed up your recovery.
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